Have you heard about the National Creativity Network?
The National Creativity Network believes in the power of imagination, creativity, and innovation and the need for transformation of our systems, institutions, and networks. Read more!
Department of Public Instruction
Wisconsin students attending public schools have the opportunity to take part in fine arts throughout the state in the areas of: dance, media arts, music, theater, and visual arts. The fine arts areas are essential components of a solid education. The Department of Public Instruction works to support artistic and creative development. Julie Palkowksi, the Fine Arts and Creativity Education Consultant publishes Fine Arts & Creativity Education newsletters, which can be viewed below.

Local Teams Guide Book Published
Thanks to a grant from the Dana Foundation, the Wisconsin Task Force on Arts and Creativity in Education has published The Creative Wisconsin Guide for Local Community Action Planning: A Toolkit for Communities Seeking to Advance the Arts and Creativity in Education. This Guide Book provides valuable tools and processes for local teams - comprised of representatives from area businesses, schools, community groups, and cultural arts organizations – to improve arts and creativity in education in their communities. Click here to view a .pdf version of this new Guide Book.
RSA Animate - Changing Education Paradigms (Sir Ken Robinson)
Have you seen RSA* Animate? They are a mind treat and they have now animated Sir Ken Robinson, international creativity expert. Enjoy - and spread widely - RSA Animate - Changing Education Paradigms. For over 250 years the Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce (RSA) has been a cradle of enlightenment thinking and a force for social progress. Our approach is multi-disciplinary, politically independent and combines cutting edge research and policy development with practical action.

Download Action Plan Executive Summary Click on the image to download the Executive Summary.

Download the Task Force Action Plan Click on the image to download the entire report (4.3 mb).